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UriKuri colorful mugs!

Considering how most people wake up cranky in the early hours my new UriKuri enamel mug will help you to start off the day in a playful way. Perfect for tea, espresso, cappuccino, hot chocolate or just pure fresh water!   Available in a new Slovenian Gallery HUDA KOT POPER, Mestni trg 8, Ljubljana, which opens the door tomorrow, February 7.  Kindly invited!   Photos by: Mateja Jordović Potočnik (Studioforma)

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UriKuri Notebooks

For all who loves to write and draw! A Brand new UriKuri NOTEBOOK, pocket size approx 14,8 x 10,5 (A6). The cover is printed from one of my original watercolour illustration. It has 50 clean pages (made from recycled paper, Shiro 280gsm). 

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UriKuri Calendar 2017

Juhuhu, je tu! UriKuri KOLEDAR 2017, tokrat čisto tropsko navdahnjen. Prepletajo se akvarelni utripi, ki so me prevzeli na popotovanjih po otočkih Indijskega oceana, avstralskega Velikega grebena, portugalski obali Atlantika in ljubljanskih sanjarjenjih o kaktusih in vreščečem črnem kakaduju.  Vsaka sladka pot domov ni enaka. Spremeni me. Zadnja nas je še posebej. Naj vas koledar popelje v eksotične kotičke. Mene bo vse dni v prihajajočem letu. Srečka sem. I am super excited about my 3rd edition of UriKuri Wall…

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UriKuri spominska knjiga/ UriKuri Memory Book.

Se spominjaš kulskega tovariša, naj tovar’šice, vseh sošolcev in prijateljic, s katerimi si skupaj gulil(a) šolske klopi?  Moja nova UriKuri SPOMINSKA KNJIGA obuja naš običaj, kulturo povezovanja iz “starih časov”. Fina knjiga za simpatije, prijateljstva, za spomine svojih dragih mamic, atijev, babic ali dedkov, sestričen, bratrancov, tet in sosedov.  Spominska knjiga je velikosti 20*20 cm, s 160 stranmi kvalitetnega 160gsm papirja Shiro, trda vezava. Njena prva stran platnice je vatirana in plastificirana ter jo krasijo…

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Hiške. / Home.

Moj ljubi domek je tam, kjer diši po kufetku, kjer so okna brez zaves in je vse zeleno in pisano. Tam, kjer so pajki srečni in vidva smrčita. Lep je domek, četudi je majhen ko kozji bobek. (ljudska) UriKuri watercolour houses are available as postcards (click) or greeting cards (click).

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It’s Greg o’clock!

It’s Gregory o’clock and time to rock with cute birdie Greg! Greg is the type of a guy who will give you butterflies when he touches you. He’s a sweet, sexy, funny, athletic, smart, lovable man. He give you the best advice when you need it and always looks on the bright side of things. You could never go wrong with him. He’s definitely a keeper. Visit UriKuri cute birdie Greg in my new Society6…

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Rocco is A UNIQUE BIRD! A large smoky-grey parrot of the cockatoo family native to New Guinea and far north Queensland, Australia. The palm cockatoo is an unusual bird, being an ancient species and one of the few bird species known to use tools. He can whistle like crazy or even drum with a large stick against a tree. The reason why palm cockatoos drum is still a mystery 🙂 but I know for sure…

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Be my Buddy!

Mike Ball from Australia, the legend of a liveaboard scuba diving expeditions to the Great Barrier Reef and the Coral Sea, wrote me an email asking me about my watercolor of a Potato Cod fish. In fact, he wanted to put my illustration on their special Mike Ball’s T-shirts. I was thrilled! And here it is. Cool, funny and curious UriKuri Potato Cod is exploring numerous dive sites, meeting new buddies and friends at the Great Barrier…

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Cvetlična lepota. / Floral beauty.

Lepota ima več obrazov. Več okusov. Več energij. Za vsakogar je tista, samemu sebi lastna, najbolj resnična. Najlepša. Spomladi me je Brigita povabila, da narišem nekaj cvetlic, katere, ne da so samo lepe, tudi zdravilne po svojih esencah, ekstraktih in energijah. Tako sem z veseljem sodelovala pri rojevanju njene nove, butične in naravne kozmetične linije LaBri Vilinska Lepota. Oblikovala je izvrstna Kristina iz Designlicious, sama pa sem s svojimi cvetličnimi UriKuri akvareli prispevala ilustracije, ki…

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