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Ptičja svatba.

Sonce si je opomoglo, opazimo že prve cvetne popke in ptiči imajo ohcet! St Gregory’s Day is regarded as the Slovenian celebration of lovers. Finally, after a long period of winter, the sun regains its strength and we can see the first flower buds. It is believed that today, the birds choose their mates and give rise to the tale spread throughout Slovenia. Have you seen them? Click. Have you listened them? Coal tit        …

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Februar je tak mesec za crkljanje. Za nežnost. Za snežinke. Za razveseljevanje sebe in drugih. Vesela pa, da nekaj ‘frišnih’  UriKuri razglednic že počasi kličejo pomlad (klik). Kmalu pa seveda Pust, Pust širokih ust! Happy to announce that the limited edition of ”UriKuri Spring postcards” are now available in my shop (click). 

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UriKuri kartoline / UriKuri postcards

Malo sem jim ‘fouš’. UriKuri kartoline so odpotovale na morje!  V okviru oblikovalskega projekta POP-up JADRAN se razglednice že važijo na prodajnih poličkah piranske Galerije Meduza 2.  In na Obali nameravajo ostati kar cel avgust. Juhuu! I am a bit jealous, UriKuri postcards went on summer holiday to the Slovenian coast and they decided to leave me at home! In fact, during the POP-up JADRAN design project, my watercolour postcards are available at Meduza 2 Gallery in Piran until the end of August.

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UriKuri new Postcards

If you want to suprise your friends, parents or put framed on kitchen wall : here are my new postcards of reproductions. For order please write

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