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Ptičja svatba.

Sonce si je opomoglo, opazimo že prve cvetne popke in ptiči imajo ohcet! St Gregory’s Day is regarded as the Slovenian celebration of lovers. Finally, after a long period of winter, the sun regains its strength and we can see the first flower buds. It is believed that today, the birds choose their mates and give rise to the tale spread throughout Slovenia. Have you seen them? Click. Have you listened them? Coal tit        …

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UriKuri Calendar 2015

Z veseljem predstavljam svoj prvi UriKuri stenski KOLEDAR 2015!  Pri samem oblikovanju koledarja je imela prste vmes odlična Janja s Tiskarskega Škrata, ki je tudi mojstrsko povezala svojo tipografijo z mojimi ilustracijami. Vsak mesec je poseben. Tudi zato, ker je malo moj. Naj bo 2015 Tvoje leto!   Natisnjen unikaten koledar zase ali za darilo lahko naročiš tukaj ali na * * * I am so grateful! My first UriKuri Calendar is finally here (click). Each month is unique. Let 2015…

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Fox, Owls and other wild creatures do not bite you. They’re coming to the UriKuri ZOO shop. Just hunt!    

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